Saturday, March 17, 2012


THE BEAST !!!!!!!  OH MY GOD!!!

It's been a while since I used our/MY tiny little leaf blower.  My landlord usually has "people" come clean up the yard, and for that I am enormously grateful.

But things are growing so fast and Oak leaves are falling like rain so I decide to drag out MY OWN leaf blower, damn it, and clean off some things myself.  I've done this many times before, although it's been a few years.

WELL, let me just say... It was a Carol Burnet skit.  I had leaves and dirt and gravel and huge tree branches going everywhere except where I wanted them to go.  (I had a brief thought of the "Twister" movie with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton, where they're in the middle of a tornado and a COW comes blowing across their car.)  I finally remembered that the blower DID have an OFF switch so that's what I did.  How do those guys make it look so easy!!!!!!!!!!

Then I sat down with leaves and dirt and gravel and huge tree branches all over ME, and said SHIT.  Then I looked around to make sure no one else was there to see this, just in case someone had happened in and was enjoying the show.

I have to give WeedEater a pat on the back.  This little thing can blow!!

So the thing I learned from this... I've been looking for an extra little side-job, to put some supplemental money in the bank.
I now know that anything involving directional wind flow isn't for me.

I got my 30 year old favorite broom and accomplished the rest of my project.

And took a shower.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I emailed this last Sunday.  I didn't put it on the blog but some asked if I would.  So...
It’s been a year ago tomorrow, Monday, Feb. 27th, since Neill died.  I can’t believe it.

This picture was just a few hours before I had to make the final decision to remove his life support – a year ago.  He wouldn’t let go of my hand, or Hana’s, or Joel’s.  I took it with my phone and he grumbled at me when he realized I had taken it.  I’m so, so glad I did.

I’ve worried for months what I should do on the anniversary of his death.  In lots of ways I hate it being past the one-year mark.  It seems dismissive, like saying “oh, that was over a year ago”, like I’m supposed to be all fine and back to “normal” instantly.  It’s just a weird place to be.  I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel, or do, or say.

I bought myself a present a couple of days ago, a splurge.  It’s a very simple id bracelet with just the word “one” engraved on it.  My thought was that when I have rough days ahead that this will remind me that I made it one year, I can make it through another one.  Who knows what I’ll do next year.  Maybe I’ll be stronger and it won’t be necessary.

Knowing that I can’t change anything that happened, the only thing I really wish is that I could have one last conversation with him... where he still had his voice and could talk to me.  I think about that every day.

These are things I’ve done or that have happened this past year without Neill.

·     -   I approved his wishes to turn off his life-support in the hospital while he was still looking at me, and knowing what was about to happen.
·      -  I managed to sign all the papers and talk to all the hospital administrators about that decision, and keep my wits about me.
·      -  I sent his body to a crematorium that day – I couldn’t go along for the first time in 36 years.  I met with the kind people at Austin Cremations the next day.  Picked up his ashes 5 days later.  Harder than it sounds.  I thought of it as “The Body Shop” to make myself smile a bit.
·      -  I called all his doctors and told them he died.
·     -   I called all the companies to pick up the machines and the bed and the wheelchair.  And had to give them WAY too much personal information.
·      -  I wrote an obituary.  And realized the unbelievable cost of every word I put in it, financially, and emotionally.
-   -  I got an tattoo.  A small one.
·      -  I managed to change all the hundreds of accounts we had from “our” name or “his” name to MY name;  listen to them doubt what I was telling them; and send those same people WAY too much personal information to do that.  I only screamed at a few.  And I REALLY screamed at them.  (As Neill would have said “Fuck Time Warner.  Fuck Sprint.”)
·      -  I managed to get an entire warehouse emptied.  But only thanks to Patrick, Joel, and Hana.  And some of Neill’s wonderful friends.
·     -   I cleaned out drawers and closets and files and boxes and paper sacks.  And cried through the whole process.  Every time.
·      -  I took a 5-day trip to California by myself.  Because I had to.
·     -   I made it through two beautiful, special weddings by myself.
·      -  I began the process of working through huge financial issues.
·     -   I bought a car.  And I have to pay for it.  All by myself, without Neill.
·      -  I’ve tried to be a good mom and aunt to my three “kids”.  Not sure if I’m good enough.  But I’ve tried hard.  They would say I was doing fine I think.
·      -  I’ve started learning how to do absolutely everything myself after 36 years.  No more sharing responsibilities or having a partner to take care of daily life.
·     -   I’m learning how to not expect anyone to come home.  No one is going to be driving into the driveway.  I’m learning how to be in the house alone.
·      -  I’ve learned that I have no one to share my excitement/frustration/anger/questions with on an hourly basis.  Neill and I called or emailed or texted each other a dozen times a day.  I miss that so much.
·     -   I’m trying to move forward.  It’s still a struggle to get out of bed and face the day EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I never want to open my eyes even if I’m awake.  But once I do, there are things to make me laugh.

I went to Lowe’s today and bought a plant that has yellow flowers that Neill liked.  I planted it in a huge, old, Mexican pot that we hauled back from Nuevo Laredo in the back of the Bronco a billion years ago, and mixed in some of his ashes with the soil.  It’s right by the back door so every day I can say, “hi honey”, or “fuck you for leaving me”, depending on my mood.  :-)

I’ve gotten to this point.  I'll figure out the rest.  One "chunk" at a time.

I found this picture from 1959.  He was 5 or 6.  I thought it fit for the occasion.

R.I.P., honey, and hope you're watching the games.
I love you.


Friday, January 27, 2012


Today's an anniversary, of sorts. I'm not crazy about the 27th.

Anyway, I had a busy, WEIRD day at work.  Really strange day.
I spent most of it working on student data, specifically Section 504 students.
Later this evening I realized that almost every disability I was seeing for students also applied to Luci.  She has them all, plus some.  This Illinois "dumpster kitty" has some issues.

She loves me though.  And I can carry on a fifteen minute conversation/argument with her.  She always wins.

Also, tonight, I used up food in my refrigerator that NEEDED to be used.  I just made simple breakfast muffins but I loved the colors so I took pictures (of course!).

So now I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few days!!

Through the entire Friday evening, here was Pancho...

I'm going to join Pancho for the weekend!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I haven't had the courage (aka guts) to write anything here for a while.  Haven't known what to say.  Life has been tough.  And sad.  And unsure.  And weird.  And, basically, just up-in-the-air.

I'm trying to know what to do now that I'm alone.  After 36 years.  Things that used to interest me no longer do.  Trying to put together a plan for the future if impossible.  I don't know how to start that process yet.

BUT, I'm working on all those things daily.  Because what are my options??!!

I'm still seeing signs of my sense of humor, every once in a while.  I know it's still there.  Two years of hell can take that away from you, believe me.

So, here is 2011 for me.  I have pages and pages and pages in my head, but this is the "nutshell" version...


A toast (and love) from good, good friends.  We all knew what was ahead.

FEBRUARY 2011 - This says it all.

The last few hours.

MARCH 2011 - 

The girls helping me make a plan and start figuring things out.
Well, and drink some wine!!

My first (and probably last) tattoo in memory of...

APRIL 2011 -

HUSBAND's Baseball Tailgaters making their own memory...
with future stories to be told.
Old Red Truck present. 

The girls still trying to help me get my shit together!
With more wine.

MAY 2011 -   The "official" goodbye.  Not your normal funeral.  It was amazing!
I could add 7,000 more pictures and stories...

JUNE 2011 -   My First Happy Occasion.  A beautiful evening.  I loved every second of it.

JULY 2011 - 

A big step alone.

And time to  think.

Another special evening with these girls.
And more wine...

the proof... :-)

Conquered this albatross, thanks to my hard working family.

AUGUST 2011 -  August was tough.  Not much to take pictures of.  Too many birthdays and anniversaries and memories of all.  And close friends great sadness.
We made it through though, so that was something.

Plus I got to meet and hangout with NEPHEW's new housemate, Peaches.

And started spending a lot more time visiting Stevie Ray and the Trail.
For my mental health.

SEPTEMBER 2011 -  My Second Happy Occasion.  An entirely beautiful weekend.  So fortunate to have been a part of the year of planning.

No words. Much love!

OCTOBER 2011 -

HUSBAND'S Tailgate Family again.  Football season.
What camaraderie and love.  Amazing.


The ALS Walk

My Team of wonderful friends on a chilly, windy Saturday morning.

A "new" sort of Thanksgiving for us.
Had dinner at a favorite restaurant, then sprinkled some ashes and told some stories.

 Did the Turkey Trot - with good friends who got up early on Thanksgiving morning so I wouldn't be alone!

And had a lovely, magical holiday dinner with new(ish) friends.

DECEMBER 2011 - 

Said goodbye to her after 13 years.  RIP.

And hello to her (comes with this monthly payment thing, damnit!).  Another first, alone.

And, again, these girls!  They've been with me for dozens of years.
They've held my hand every second of the past year.
Couldn't have made it without them.

So that's my year... the short, light version.  

So far 2012 has started out with a constipated furnace and kitty anal gland issues.
Still time for an upswing though!!

I hope to write more entertaining things here in the near future.