Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Paper Shredder

I've been sweetly asking (nagging, hounding, pounding) HUSBAND for months now to please go through a pile of old business files/receipts/papers on the floor of our small office. The pile was about 3 feet high and a favorite sleeping place for Pancho and/or Luci (more preferable than the PAID FOR cat beds they have at various other sunny places in the house). Neill has said ok honey I will every single time I've asked. Nothing has changed - the pile continues to grow.

Well he discovered the paper shredder a couple of nights ago. Just weird. This is the same paper shredder we've had for 2 years, but tonight I guess seemed like the night that he would realize it was there on the floor.

He called me into the room and said hey honey did you realize this thing shreds everything, credit cards, cds etc. I said yes I did know that and it has done that same thing since day one, that paper shredders don't grow more abilities the longer they stay in your house, not like teeth in your kids. He seemed genuinely shocked that we owned this amazing piece of equipment. I also told him that I didn't think it would work on MY credit card so stay away from it.

So DAUGHTER and I went out for a girl's dinner night and HUSBAND stayed home and played with the paper shredder.

Men are really so basic aren't they. Just give them something to play with.

And, the "pile" is down by a couple of feet now. Pancho and/or Luci will be closer to the floor tonight.

I just have the most interesting life.

1 comment:

tfiskers said...

yeah!!!!!! one more to add at least!!!!