Monday, March 29, 2010


I'm sure I've mentioned that I hate Mondays - always have. I just don't feel that I'm at my best on Mondays. I'm usuallly at my best around 8:00 pm on Thursdays. That's my best time for some reason. I like Thursday evenings.

I feel sorry for anybody who has to work with me on Mondays. And today, I REALLY felt sorry for the people who worked with me because sleep-deprevation was added to it and I was just teetering on the edge all day. Luckily, my awesome, amazing friends at work didn't push me that far. I always try to lay low on Mondays - hope everybody knows that I try.

Here are a few reasons I hate Mondays:

1 - It isn't Thursday evening
2 - It isn't Friday night
3 - It isn't Saturday
4 - It isn't Sunday

Those are my main reasons.

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