Sunday, March 28, 2010


My dear friend "Brenda" (I know I promised I wouldn't use real names, so let's just say that "Brenda" isn't really her real name), anyway, "Brenda" told me I should write a Haiku when I got my blog up and running. I realize that's just her wicked sense of humor shinning through and she never thought for one single minute that I would do it. I love her wicked sense of humor for sure.

But, all I need is one tiny little mention of something (anything!) to become completely , over-the-top obsessed with it, and blow it all out of proportion. So, basically I suck at Haikus (is that a word?), I can't do them, don't understand them and don't know why anyone wants to limit themselves to so few syllables, for whatever reason.

Here is my response to "Brenda":

can’t write a haiku
even for "Brenda"… can’t do
ix-nay aiku-hay!


My obsession with this Haiku challenge almost ruined my weekend but then "Brenda" brought us lasagna and garlic bread tonight so I forgot what I was obsessing over.
I love you "Brenda".

1 comment:

Brenda said...

You rock my world!

Or as I would say to you:

deep within my heart
a special place holds profound love
for dearest friend