I got a glass of water, scowled at the dirty dishes, fed the cats, checked to see if I had clean underwear for tomorrow (yay! no laundry for tonight!!) checked myself in the mirror to see if I had the normal, god-I-hate-Mondays 5:00 look (still there - never lets me down!), layed across the bed, attempted to look through the 3 pounds of mail that the Post Office assumes we like getting on Mondays, and tried to zone out for my 10 Minute Power Nap (I was hoping for my favorite, The 45 Minute Power Nap, or better yet, The 90 Minute Power Nap) Nothin'. Put a pillow over my eyes. Nothin'.

Pancho and Luci, however, always wanting to help me out, gave it their best and did a great job. They provide this same help Monday through Sunday between the hours of 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm. I assume they do it the rest of the day also. And I always love that ANYTIME I want to take a Power Nap they are up for assistance.
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