drove/steered/plowed his Segway off a cliff at his home yesterday. He didn't survive.
I've been so bothered by this.
I can't make this up.....
I guess "crashed" is a questionable verb. There wasn't another Segway involved. Or any other vehicle. He ran it off a cliff.
Just how sad is that. I've thought about it all day. How really sad.
And what does that mean for an equal thing happening to us, comparable to our own jobs.
Wow. I just think we should think about this. All of us.
If you're a cab driver, or a dog trainer, or a waitress... or a lawyer, teacher, nurse..? What are the similar possibilities for death? We need to stop worrying about cancer, or heart attacks.
I just can't stop thinking about it today.
And, what will Segway guy's obituary be? What will it say? How will his family say he died... "doing something he loved" ???? Just more things to think about.
So those are my thoughts for today.
Am I the only one who thinks about things like this???
I'm pretty sure my job-related demise would involve a lot of paper cuts and heavy stacks of ungraded essays.
Would a clown die laughing? A mime...without a chance to say his final words?
Oh my, now you've got me thinking...
epic fail......thats all i got
I guess SOME teachers could die of boredom...
I can't stop thinking about it, still! "They" think it was an accident. But the Segway only goes 12.5 miles per hour (I googled it). Couldn't he have jumped off???? And if it malfunctioned, who does the family sue? They own the company.
Gosh, what a story.
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