Thursday, September 9, 2010


I just know everyone wants to know about my cats, Pancho and Luci.

I've restrained myself from posting updates for a while.  A friend of mine told me that the most boring people she knows are people who talk about their pets all the time.

I haven't heard from her in a while.  I should call her.

ANYWAY...... HUSBAND and I had a day today.  Not horrible, but not a day at the beach, or at a mountain cabin, either.  So I was looking for any a diversion once we got home.

Here was Luci.  For fifteen minutes tonight.  She did this, and this, and this......

She wasn't understanding my day.  For fifteen minutes, did I mention, she stared at me.  Just like this.  So I thought of this.....

Same thought process.

But then after fifteen minutes, she did this........

And this.......

So how boring am I ?  I wore her out by doing NOTHING.

The whole time Pancho was doing this........

I need to mention that Luci is a female.

Pancho is a guy.


Brenda said...

Doesn't it make you wonder what Luci was thinking as she stared?

Lee Anne said...

SHARON!!! She wanted you to talk to her about your day. Look at her eyes! She's saying, "Tell me all about it, Mom! Go ahead, I'm here."

Miss you, BTW!

tfiskers said...

just glad to hear from you and the kitties