Thursday, September 2, 2010


We've had THREE birthdays and an anniversary in our immediate family in the past 33 days.  Sucks.  Sorry, but it does!

Martha Stewart, or, as I like to refer to her, Martha, would have LOVED this grouping of significant events.


The entire month of August is a HUGE, stress-filled, nail-biting, nightmare of a month for me.  And added to the family birthdays/anniversaries, it is also my most stressful month, workwise - I don't know why school doesn't start in October. What a more pleasant month!  I love October.

Anyway.....  I didn't make a birthday cake for MY birthday! (that's the only way I'd get one! But "they" know NOT to give me one, so...)

I didn't do a birthday cake for DAUGHTER'S birthday.  Soooooo glad she has wonderful friends (who aren't me!).

AND, I didn't make a birthday cake for HUSBAND'S birthday.  It never occurred to me to make him a birthday cake.  I don't know the last time I made him a birthday cake.  He might remember.  I'm pretty sure he does.  (But please, HUSBAND, don't tell everyone!)

I made great birthday cakes when "the kids" were young.  I'm going to send those pictures, soon, when I find them.

Soooo,  short story, WAY too long...... Here is what I did for HUSBAND'S birthday cake this year.  I made his favorite for dinner, King Ranch Casserole, or as WE like to call it "Mexican Chicken" (sounds less snooty).  And, since I didn't have birthday candles, since I don't make birthday cakes, I found something else.

Anyway......We had something to put some sort of candle on for HUSBAND'S birthday.........

And we laughed.  And we had a great evening.

Martha would not be happy with me, I'm sure.  But, surely, she would appreciate my determination.

I could write a whole book on "NOT Martha".


Moshers said...

I would buy a "Not Martha" book in a heartbeat! And I would buy copies for all of my friends and family.

Get your pen rolling!

Husband said...

German Chocolate...1981