Monday, January 10, 2011


I know I talk about my cats a lot here.  They are a huge part of our life.

Luci ...
Basically, the red-headed-step-child - the beautiful, adopted-from-Illinois, crack-baby.  HUSBAND and I love her so much.  Well, I love her, HUSBAND tolerates her.  And HUSBAND knows that her place in the household is important.  I'm sure he does.  She gets the bugs.  Or at least she lets us know where the bugs are,  brings the bugs to us, shows the bugs to us, wherever we are.

I think this picture is just Luci saying, "Yeah, well, so what!".

She hasn't found her compassionate side yet.  She's just 2 1/2.  But then again, she's pretty cuddly and sweet about 3:30 in the morning, on my pillow, with her ass as close as she can get it to my nose and mouth.  LOVE her then!

Luci has a mind of her own, which I appreciate.  She and HUSBAND are having a tiff right now, however.  Luci spilled his water last night, all over his phone, and the remote control, and other things, and the REMOTE CONTROL.  Luci is into her 5th or 6th of her 9 lives.

But then there's Pancho, our 11 year old, 17 pound (ok, actually now 19 pounds - he's beefed up - we can hear him walking across the house!), orange tabby.
Oh my gosh!

Sweet Pancho has started sleeping by HUSBAND - on the ottoman next to the recliner where HUSBAND sleeps.

And Pancho also waits for HUSBAND outside the bathroom.

(Somebody should have washed Pancho's little face today, as he has allergies.  Somebody forgot.)  Pancho is so understanding and tolerant.  Oh, what a love.

Pancho, also, knows to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY, when HUSBAND comes out of the bathroom - not wanting to be in the way.   And he knows that's the way HUSBAND prefers it.  Again, so understanding.

The whole point of this blog is to say that our pets do so much for our lives, don't they?!

I think they kind of put the period at the end of the day.

I love my cats.

I love HUSBAND too.  Most times more than my cats, sometimes not!  :-)
But, he's always tolerated my cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cats are awesome! I miss mine. Husband swears he's allergic, but he didn't have any reaction when I put a cat on his pillow without him knowing! Where were the sneezes then? I don't believe him and I want to get another cat soon!