Friday, January 14, 2011


Today my horoscope said, "Today you might have to do a lot of communication with friends".

So, I had nothing really to say here right now, but I'm going to say something anyway.

Here are some of today's headlines in the news...

-  The Kardashian woman  -  where did these women come from?????  And why do we care about them?  Or what they do?

-  Octomom - was interviewed on Oprah today, and admitted that she was "a baby addict".

-  Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin.  She's still talking. Shut-up!

-  Kelsey Grammer - still getting divorced.  Again, why do we care?

-  Charlie Sheen - who cares about him either?  Pathetic.

-  Kanye West - said something stupid today.

-  Snooki!  Seriously?  Sad, sad, sad, that we want to see this woman on TV.  What a role model.

-  Martha Stewart cut her lip - required 9 stitches.  Ouch.  She tripped over her dog.

-  Brad & Angelina kissed in public.  I think they conceived 9 more kids.

-  And, I think there was other more serious stuff going on, too.


1 comment:

Brenda said...

Amazingly, such news does not interest me and yet I always feel the need to read it in the paper. Perhaps it helps me to see the normalcy of my own life? Perhaps it makes me yet again grateful that I am not famous?