Saturday, October 2, 2010


I was at the grocery store last night, needing eight things - I had a list.  Things I needed to make food for the football-watching guys who were coming to our house today.  It's THE BIG GAME in my world.  (Sadly, it didn't turn out as anticipated.)

I also needed to pick up some meds from the pharmacy.  I am at that pharmacy A LOT, believe me!  But, it was 6:30 on a Friday night.  I guess, a "heavy-traffic" time.  I was fifth in line at the pharmacy.  Four of us were humming elevator songs in our head, I'm sure, trying not to make eye contact with each other, just wanting to pick up our pharmaceuticals, go grab the chicken and the eggs and the toilet paper, and get ON WITH THE WEEKEND!

So, I really had time to study THIS.....

(I took this picture from my phone, discretely, for fear of being labeled a pervert!! )  What I really wanted to do was scream at everyone around, "People, come look at THIS!"

This display case is in front of the pharmacy at this particular store.  I mean RIGHT in front of the counter - attached to it.


I assume "they" think all the good stuff is in there, so they have to lock it up.


So,  again, here is what was in the case.......

Condoms, pregnancy tests, vaginal lubricant, yeast infection cream, bladder infection meds, condoms, condoms, condoms.  And condoms.   And you see that empty space?  I think that was for more condoms.  Sold out of that one.
Women's' products took up half the case.

Condoms took up half the case.  (That's a whole blog in itself!)

So, the most private, intimate parts of a person's life, and this store wants people who want and/or need these items to WAIT IN LINE AND HAVE A CLERK COME OUT AND UNLOCK THE CASE SO THEY CAN GET. WHAT. THEY. NEED.   While everyone else standing in line is watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just wrong.

Most women wouldn't have a problem with asking, however.  They would just go up to the window,  no matter who was around, and tell the Pharmacist, "I need this pregnancy test you have locked up out here, so get the keys and get it for me!  Right now."

I'd like to watch a man go through the same process to buy condoms.

(Sidebar - And WHY are we locking up condoms???  Shouldn't they just be in a big bowl on the counter by the mints?  Again, a whole other blog!)


T said...
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T said...

Great post!! Only I guess you're more of an optimist than I am. You said, "Sadly, it didn't turn out as anticipated." My thoughts were, "Sadly, it TURNED out as anticipated."
Guess I'm a scoreboard half-empty kind of girl.....

Words In My Head said...

I don't know why my blog is posting comments two times. I can't find the double double button! Sorry!

Moshers said...

I have to think such a locked display leads to many awkward conversations between clerks and customers.

tfiskers said...

I am for the bowl of mints approach.

Donna said...

Amen, sister! Wouldn't it be great if, "Care for a "mint?" meant more than just stating one's concern about a dirty mouth?

Husband said...

I'm pretty sure that empty spot is for 'Magnum' XLs.