Saturday, October 23, 2010


That title sounds like a romance novel, doesn't it.  And there's probably already a porno movie with that title.  But here's MY story.......

Some dear friends gave me a very generous Amazon gift certificate for my birthday a few months ago.  I've just now taken advantage of the gift.  And let me tell you, I'm like a 5 year old waiting to open the big box!!

These friends gave me a condition..... it had to be spent on "just me".  So I've saved it, trying to decide what I wanted the "just me" gift to me. It's been a while since I bought a toy for "just me".

I carry around at least three books wherever HUSBAND and I have to visit.  I don't want to be in the position of being FORCED to read just one, and sometimes visits are longer than others!  So I have to be prepared!

So.... Here's what I did.....

I ordered a Kindle!!
A huge commitment for me, because I like my books!  I like the way they smell, and I like to dog-ear pages, highlight things, add sticky notes. (Oh, Sticky Notes, those are another thing that I LOVE! - another post though.)  But I did my research on the Kindle vs the Nook vs the TOO EXPENSIVE iPad.  Lots and lots of research.

Sooooo, trying to move on here...... Most people who know me know that I love the UPS Guy, whatever he looks like.  :-)
They just bring you good stuff!  Stuff you wanted.  And they don't bug you.  They just ring your doorbell and run away.  Love them.

And, OMG, I love Amazon!  They really need to get me to do PR for them!!  Ask anybody.  Since I'm a mall-o-phobic, I do almost all of my shopping online, AND on Amazon.  You have to love a company that, once you order something, gives you a button on your account page that says, "where's my stuff".  That's really all it took for me!

ANNNYYYYYWAY...... MY KINDLE has been traveling across the country (sort of like Flat Stanley).  From a place called "US" (hum! Not sure if that is "US" as in them, Amazon, or "US" as in U.S. - still funny), to Tempe, AZ, to El Paso, TX, to San Antonio, TX.  When I saw that it was in San Antonio on Friday afternoon, I thought about calling UPS and just saying hey guys I'll meet you half way, ok?  But then it was scanned as a departure before I had time to call, and it arrived IN AUSTIN at 10:20 LAST NIGHT!

Unfortunately, it's still sitting there - didn't get to me today - no departure scan for Saturday.  :-(  Amazon told me it would be Monday, but since I was watching it travel, I thought that if they hurried up just a little bit, it would get to me today.

Monday will be fine, though. I trust that Amazon and UPS did the very best they could.  I'm feeling a sore throat coming on so I might be home when it gets here.

AND, I ordered MY first KINDLE book today.  For $5.24.  I got an email from Amazon saying that, even though MY KINDLE hadn't yet arrived, the book was being "sent" to MY KINDLE.  While it sits and waits at the UPS warehouse in Austin.  How cool is that!  I'm pretty excited.

I'll give you a Kindle update soon, because I'm sure everyone really wants to know.

Thank you, my Amazon gift certificate friends!!


Lee Anne said...

Great post. Want to go and break into the UPS warehouse tonight?

Moshers said...

I'm so excited for you! What book did you order?

Words In My Head said...

The first book I ordered was Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I haven't been able to get into it, but 5,000 people have told me to read it, and now DAUGHTER is reading it, so I thought that if it was on my Kindle it would motivate me to get past the first part. So..... we'll see.

tfiskers said...

$5.24? Thats a DEAL! You should be getting more sent to your lonely kindle in the dark, scary warehouse. Poor little guy. Give him some friends.

T said...

Funny you should mention the UPS man. We happen to have probably the best looking UPS delivery guy around delivering to our school... And lucky for us, he just happens to deliver during our lunch time!!! (Hoping we don't get charged with sexual harassment!)