Friday, October 29, 2010


I like to celebrate Halloween these days enjoying that I no longer have to obsess and freak out about what we are all going to dress as.  So, in honor of Halloween weekend, I decided to post a "never before seen picture" of HUSBAND and me in one of our worst Halloween costume moments on record.  This was a "what the hell were we thinking" decision, clearly.  SON was 11 months old,  his first of many, many agonizing costume demands he would face.  He didn't care about this one, at least.

Here's the short story......  (there's a long version that I think included name-calling, door-slamming, screaming, the mention of divorce, etc, etc, etc.)  But, I'll stick to the short version.

We had close friends 30 years ago who had the wildest, most elaborate, drunken, costume parties imaginable.  You did NOT show up un-costumed.  You just didn't.  Prizes and awards were given for the BEST costumes.  Everyone tried to one-up each other. This was a big event.  The day after Halloween, we immediately began thinking about next year's costume.  Actually it was two days after Halloween when we started thinking about next year.  The day after was spent trying to remember what we said at the party, and if we did anything embarrassing, then calling people to apologize.  Luckily this particular year, 1983, HUSBAND and I had an 11 month old, so we had to be responsible.  At least I think we were.

So after weeks and weeks of debate, we decided we would go as CAVE PEOPLE, the little Cave Family.  Jeez.  I can't remember why we came up with that ideal, or why we thought it would be clever.  It was long before the caveman commercials on TV.

I made all three costumes - from scratch, all of them.  And we paid SON $100 and promised him a car to just keep it on for an hour or two (he hated pants and shoes at the time).  We gave him some rocks, too.  His favorite toy.

So here we are, fake teeth, fake hair, fake dirt, real rabbit pelts on our shoulders (sorry!).

(Check out the Harvest Gold stove in our kitchen!!)

Here we are at the party.  I don't think we were speaking to each other at the time this was taken, having just gone through the insane stress of getting dressed LIKE THIS!  We got over it.  SON is enjoying his rocks though, and he kept his costume on all night!
We ALMOST won The Best award.  Almost.  But see the dwarfs in the background?  A group of friends came as The Seven Dwarfs that year.  All seven of them.  They won.  They were impressive.  Damn them.

Other costumes from our years going to that party were Mimes, Santa and Frosty (I was Santa, and pregnant), a pregnant nun and devil (when I wasn't pregnant), the Sand People from Star Wars, Nuclear Patrol Agents (gas masks and all, in the days of the South Texas Nuclear Project), among others.  By the time DAUGHTER was born we decided a babysitter was the ticket for this party!  She didn't like pants or shoes either.

But this costume idea .......!  I haven't looked at these pictures since then, for obvious reasons.  HUSBAND loves the pictures.  Thinks they're hilarious.  Thinks we look great.  Then again, he looks better than I do.



T said...

I think y'all were adorable. (in that disgusting caveman way, of course!) Reminds me of Carey and Maddie going as Pebbles and BamBam.

jan said...

wish I'd a known you look like incredibly fun/crazy people!!!! we're going to a Halloween party tonight - pirates - lame, but I don't think we have your imagination :)

Moshers said...

If I ever get invited to a costume party, I'm coming to YOU for ideas!

Merrily said...

You were all so cute! My kids always wished for you as their mom every Halloween because I was so bad at costumes!

tfiskers said...

Commitment in its finest! Real rabbit? The whole thing? OMG! You really deserve some cred.