Monday, September 27, 2010


The guy who loved the SEGWAY so much that he bought the SEGWAY company........
drove/steered/plowed his Segway off a cliff at his home yesterday.  He didn't survive.

I've been so bothered by this.

I can't make this up.....


I guess "crashed" is a questionable verb.  There wasn't another Segway involved.  Or any other vehicle.  He ran it off a cliff.

Just how sad is that.  I've thought about it all day.  How really sad.

And what does that mean for an equal thing happening to us, comparable to our own jobs.

Wow.  I just think we should think about this.  All of us.

If you're a cab driver, or a dog trainer, or a waitress... or a lawyer, teacher, nurse..?  What are the similar possibilities for death?  We need to stop worrying about cancer, or heart attacks.

I just can't stop thinking about it today.

And, what will Segway guy's obituary be?  What will it say?  How will his family say he died... "doing something he loved" ????  Just more things to think about.

So those are my thoughts for today.

Am I the only one who thinks about things like this???

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I'm a HUGE football fan.  And a Longhorn fan.  And a Cowboy fan.  Correction, WAS a Cowboy fan.  (I'm a defector.)  

And I love winning.  When it comes to football, they have to WIN.  I hate losing.

The boys that play football need to be winning those games.  Isn't that the goal?

My teams suck this year.

The Cowboys...

...are just simply horrible.  We can't even sugar-coat it.  They stink.  And Tony, well....

Another team I LOVE to follow is the Tennessee Titans.  VINCE!  VINCE!  VINCE!


They stink, also.  Vince, what's up, man?????  Get your shit together!!!!

Then, there are the Houston Texans.............

Never been MY team of choice, but they are WINNIN' SOME GAMES!  They're scrappy!!  And they are fun to watch!!! 

So, as far as the NFL goes, I'm a Texan's fan now!  I like scrappy!  WINNERS!!!!
They play the Cowboys tomorrow.  Go Texans.  Please win.

BUT, my main team, (yes it's college), the Longhorns..... 
........LOST TODAY!!!
They didn't just lose, they also stunk.  They weren't good.  They were horrible, too.

As far as sports go for me, FOOTBALL IS IT!!  I hate that it just lasts from late August through early January.

It's not how you play the game in football.  It's whether or not you WIN the friggin' game!!!  WINNING is the goal.  Do whatever you have to do to WIN THE GAME!

I don't like basketball.  Or baseball.  Just give me more FOOTBALL.

And a team that WINS GAMES.  ALL of them.

We don't care if you're hurt, or had a death in the family, or your house burned down yesterday.  JUST WIN THE GAME!  Just win the game.


Thursday, September 23, 2010


#1 - Call my mother.  (Ok, it WAS her birthday so I couldn't avoid it.)  She's 79.  She thinks she's 109.  I'm done with telling her she's not.

#2 - Answer the phone when my mother calls BACK to tell me something she forgot. Never good.

#3 - Answer the phone when my mother calls BACK AGAIN to tell me something she forgot.

And, as I told my friend DJ tonight, who texted me in the middle of these 3 things...... it was causing sharp chest pains!

AND, to add to my bad day, and the mother-calling thing, there was a FLY IN THE HOUSE.  Luci goes absolutely nuts when that happens.  Nothing is safe.  And I have an inadequate, not-functioning, flyswatter.  Plus, I didn't know who to hit with the flyswatter tonight.  I had options.

I got the fly OUT of the house, but Luci stared at the backdoor for an hour waiting for it to come back in.  NOW she's sleeping.  Right where I want to sleep.

Tomorrow will be better.  It's not my mother's birthday.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Prescription drugs - we have a bunch of them on our bathroom counter, believe me.

But aside from that, I think some of the commercials for prescription drugs are pretty hilarious.  I mean, how many words, quickly said so that no one hears them, can they put into a commercial.  And they always show the beach, or the mountains, or somebody in a hammock, or throwing a football with some kids, or shopping in a cute little market holding flowers.  And, my favorite, the TWO bathtubs on the dock of a lake looking out to a mountain range. (The only time I've found one of those tubs outside, it had stagnate water and mosquitoes in it.)

So here are my TOP THREE favorite "passages" from these commercials.

(DISCLAIMER - So I don't piss anyone off, this is NOT meant to hurt anyone's  feelings. I know these are genuine, serious issues - believe me, I know.)

Ok, so anyway..........


#3 - If you experience heart irregularity, you should stop taking this medication and call your doctor immediately.

#2 - If you are currently taking an antidepressant, and still feel depressed.......

And the #1 STUPID THING THAT PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SAY IN THEIR ADS (and probably on everyone's list if they keep such lists, like I do), is.......

#1 - If you experience an erection lasting longer than four hours...............
I just think that if you, as the CEO of a multi-million dollar pharmaceutical company, have to say all these things, that you should probably have tested those drugs a little bit longer.  But, then again, where do you get all the test dummies???

I still get a few laughs every time I hear the ads.  I'm just sayin".

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I just know everyone wants to know about my cats, Pancho and Luci.

I've restrained myself from posting updates for a while.  A friend of mine told me that the most boring people she knows are people who talk about their pets all the time.

I haven't heard from her in a while.  I should call her.

ANYWAY...... HUSBAND and I had a day today.  Not horrible, but not a day at the beach, or at a mountain cabin, either.  So I was looking for any a diversion once we got home.

Here was Luci.  For fifteen minutes tonight.  She did this, and this, and this......

She wasn't understanding my day.  For fifteen minutes, did I mention, she stared at me.  Just like this.  So I thought of this.....

Same thought process.

But then after fifteen minutes, she did this........

And this.......

So how boring am I ?  I wore her out by doing NOTHING.

The whole time Pancho was doing this........

I need to mention that Luci is a female.

Pancho is a guy.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I changed the blog background..... I told you it might not last.  So the previous one lasted for 24 hours.  And you might not have seen it.  It was a definite faux pas.

I looked at it this afternoon and HATED IT.  It had globs of glitter on it.  And I hate glitter.

So now, I like this one.


Thought provoking.

Elegant, yet casual.

Relaxing, yet exciting.

I'm full of shit.  But I like it for now.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I got bored with my previous blog background.  I get bored easily.  I just don't always do anything about it.

And the previous background was starting to seem a little bit depressing to me, in addition to boring.  It lasted for a while with me, though.

So, today, during the boring Longhorn game, I tried out 8 different backgrounds.

Most were equally boring.  After three minutes.

This is what I found.  It's happy.  Maybe a little bit juvenile, but I don't care.  Right now.  It lasted on my "boring-meter" longer than three minutes. Until I get bored with it.

And the name of this not-yet-boring-to-me background is "Funky Chunky Fall".  I still can't figure that out.  Maybe the people who name blog backgrounds are the same people who write greeting cards for Hallmark. They're cynical.

So, here it is.  And it might change tomorrow.  Or tonight.  Or in fifteen minutes.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


We've had THREE birthdays and an anniversary in our immediate family in the past 33 days.  Sucks.  Sorry, but it does!

Martha Stewart, or, as I like to refer to her, Martha, would have LOVED this grouping of significant events.


The entire month of August is a HUGE, stress-filled, nail-biting, nightmare of a month for me.  And added to the family birthdays/anniversaries, it is also my most stressful month, workwise - I don't know why school doesn't start in October. What a more pleasant month!  I love October.

Anyway.....  I didn't make a birthday cake for MY birthday! (that's the only way I'd get one! But "they" know NOT to give me one, so...)

I didn't do a birthday cake for DAUGHTER'S birthday.  Soooooo glad she has wonderful friends (who aren't me!).

AND, I didn't make a birthday cake for HUSBAND'S birthday.  It never occurred to me to make him a birthday cake.  I don't know the last time I made him a birthday cake.  He might remember.  I'm pretty sure he does.  (But please, HUSBAND, don't tell everyone!)

I made great birthday cakes when "the kids" were young.  I'm going to send those pictures, soon, when I find them.

Soooo,  short story, WAY too long...... Here is what I did for HUSBAND'S birthday cake this year.  I made his favorite for dinner, King Ranch Casserole, or as WE like to call it "Mexican Chicken" (sounds less snooty).  And, since I didn't have birthday candles, since I don't make birthday cakes, I found something else.

Anyway......We had something to put some sort of candle on for HUSBAND'S birthday.........

And we laughed.  And we had a great evening.

Martha would not be happy with me, I'm sure.  But, surely, she would appreciate my determination.

I could write a whole book on "NOT Martha".