Sunday, April 11, 2010


OK, I resisted using BRAS as the title of this because I thought it might force some of you to hit the delete button, over and over again!  But this is about bras.

Here's the deal,  as I recently posted I HATE shopping and I HATE THE MALL.  I know HATE is a strong word but it applies here.  So buying a bra, or multiple bras, is something I push out of my thoughts anytime I start realizing that I might need to be thinking about, maybe looking into, seeing if I could start putting it on my to-do list, and buying a few new ones.

This is actually something I do online. And I can hear some of you women laughing and saying how do you buy a bra online, you don't know how it will fit, or if you will like the way it looks, and this is something you go to THE MALL to do (I had one good friend who offered to pick up anything I needed at THE MALL.  I don't think this is what she had in mind though). 

I say, I don't really care.  I just need to get some and it's a crap-shoot.  I stand a 50/50 chance of scoring a good bra online as not.  And you can also make up your bra size to be whatever you think it should be or what you want it to be, then send it back if you are tragically mistaken. And when I find one or two I like I then order them in bulk. bulk supply is gone now and this is a project I'm going to have to be tackling in the next couple of weeks.  I successfully avoided doing it this weekend so who knows how long I can put it off.

Things are getting a little shabby in the bra drawer and it's forcing me to do laundry a little more often than the once-every-three-months laundry schedule I seem to be on.  Nothing makes me wake up like being faced with laundry.

And who invented the BRA anyway?  I  bet is was a man.

AND, I can take my bra off without ever taking any of my clothes off or showing any skin.  It's one of my hidden talents.


Brenda said...

Just so you know, I WOULD go to the mall and buy a bra for you. Of course, I'd have to buy some things for myself, too!

tfiskers said...

I can take mine off without removing any clothes too!

Husband said...

Back in the day...never mind.