I was sorting through piles and piles of mail/magazines/coupons/bills/fliers today (and watching my Meg Ryan movies!) I was going to tackle this project over Spring Break but, being the procrastinator that I am, I knew that there was a long weekend a couple of weeks down the road, so I decided to procrastinate instead.
I gathered my THREE plastic storage bins - for my three piles (keep, hate, deal with). I was all organized - ready to get it done. I LOVE PLASTIC STORAGE BINS!!
Anyway, I got a phone call and walked outside to talk and sit in the tiny bit of sunshine that had decided to appear this afternoon.
This is what I came back to.

I guess they did the Goldilocks thing in choosing which bin they were going to snooze in, as all three already had stuff in them, just differing amounts of stuff.
Pancho and Luci are ALWAYS ready to help me out.
Seriously, would dogs be this helpful.
I rounded up two more storage bins and let them sleep.
The photo here is priceless!!! and I'm glad I'm not the only one who would just go find more bins so as not to disturb the cats....
That is priceless.
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