Saturday, April 17, 2010


I cleaned out the freezer today.  Hadn't planned to.  Wasn't on my list of fun, relaxing things I wanted to do on a rainy Saturday.

Ask me why I cleaned out the freezer today.......

NOT because it needed to be cleaned and organized.  Not because we had a mechanical problem.

Nope.  I cleaned out the freezer today because I exploded a diet coke in the freezer.  Yep.  There wasn't one tiny square inch of the freezer that didn't have frozen, frothy, sticky diet coke on it.

I had put the diet coke IN the freezer because I had FAILED to put them in the refrigerator on any previous day so they would be cold when I wanted one.  I do the freezer thing frequently and have exploded may beverages before - never this kind of mess though.

I never learn the lesson these sorts of situations are supposed to teach us.  I don't know what it is with me.  I just think ok it won't happen again then it happens again.

I didn't take a picture of the mess BECAUSE after I started pulling everything out of the freezer to hose down I realized how much crap was in there.  I had almonds in there, and two bags of rice, and 200 of those little freezy-things that are supposed to make the puffiness around your eyes go away.  I had leftover turkey from 2007.  I had two of those freezer beer mugs in there but all the liquid stuff that's supposed to freeze was gone (I wonder where it went and I didn't know about it).  I had three bags of pinto beans, the dried kind, uncooked.  I don't remember putting them in there.  And there were two zip bags of unidentified stuff, but I realize that everyone probably has those bags in the freezer.  Please tell me that everyone has those bags of unidentified stuff in their freezer.  Ok, I have one friend who I'm sure does NOT have them but hopefully everyone else does.

So, I cleaned up the mess and it took two hours.  Sad thing is..... I put almost everything back in the freezer.  Except the two unidentified bags - those I cooked for dinner tonight!  JUST KIDDING.
I just don't learn the lesson.


Brenda said...

You crack me up! And just in case it is I who you believe would never put bags in the freezer without labeling them first...guilty.

Words In My Head said...

Well, yes, you were my first thought! And do you use your label maker to mark them? You're my idol.