Friday, January 27, 2012


Today's an anniversary, of sorts. I'm not crazy about the 27th.

Anyway, I had a busy, WEIRD day at work.  Really strange day.
I spent most of it working on student data, specifically Section 504 students.
Later this evening I realized that almost every disability I was seeing for students also applied to Luci.  She has them all, plus some.  This Illinois "dumpster kitty" has some issues.

She loves me though.  And I can carry on a fifteen minute conversation/argument with her.  She always wins.

Also, tonight, I used up food in my refrigerator that NEEDED to be used.  I just made simple breakfast muffins but I loved the colors so I took pictures (of course!).

So now I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few days!!

Through the entire Friday evening, here was Pancho...

I'm going to join Pancho for the weekend!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Did you work in lots of "cat" naps, Pancho style, this weekend?