Saturday, September 24, 2011


And this is assuming anybody cares!
I've probably shared some info. about my July trip to California previously but here is my vacation log.  I've been working on it for a while, mainly for me.  This was my first vacation without HUSBAND, and I thought many times about canceling it.  I'm so glad I didn't.

Here's what I did...

I flew here (gotta love the name)...

Stayed here...

Played with friends...

Watched this...

Tried to figure out a way to get THIS back home...

Watched A LOT of these  (what fun!)...

THOUGHT about doing this - didn't...

DIDN'T do this either...

Ate these from the back fence...

Wanted really badly to follow these...

Wanted to STAY here FOREVER...

Lit one of these (I'm not Catholic, but what the hell)...

Drank lots of this...

And this...

Had this for sure...

Did this...

And came home feeling proud of myself...

One step at a time.


Merrily said...

I'm proud of you, too! Love you, too!

Words In My Head said...

It's been a hell of a year for some of us hasn't it Merrily!

tfiskers said...

Wouldn't have missed it for the world!!!!

jan said...

wonderful trip!!! usually, you only regret the things you DIDN'T do - and you really did yourself proud by venturing out on your own and making this fantastic memory :)

Brenda said...

Next time you want to get a chair home, call me! I know someone with a FedEX company account...

Words In My Head said...

Well, you see, I wanted EVERYTHING in the picture, not JUST the $900 chair. So there were some transportation issues. Financial issues, too!