Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I want to live here...
I don't know where this is.  And the rest of the house might be a "double-wide".  You know, one of those attachment things - a work in progress.  I don't care.

I think one could really get their shit together in a place like this.

So this is where I want to live right now.

But just for a couple of weeks.

Then I'd have to have a diet coke from 7-11.  And some cheese enchiladas.

I working on getting back to my life.


Merrily said...

can I live there with you?

tfiskers said...

Count me in!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice...I just want to grab a good book and curl up on one of those sofas!

Words In My Head said...

Yep, we can all go. I'm sure they have daily wine delivery too. And cheese enchiladas from somewhere.