Wednesday, November 10, 2010


. . . and the female "comb-over"..............

I don't think I need to say more.

I found this in a box of old pictures tonight, and she's a family member.  The picture is from the 20's.  That's all I'm sayin'.

I really needed a laugh today.  And this provided the laugh!

Hope it does the same for you.


Moshers said...

Perhaps she had just taken off a hat that had tipped to the side, and she was doing her best to smile despite her "hat hair." (This kind of thinking helps to distract me from the thought that she WANTED her hair to look this way.)

tfiskers said...

YIKES!!!! What a pretty lady though.

Donna said...

While I like Moshers' comment, I'm still going with maybe she slept on her right side a LOT...

Moshers said...

Perhaps just the result of a VERY strong wind...