Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I just love, love, love when I'm driving home from my but-I-have-a-degree-job, and see things like this......

One of my favorite bumper stickers.  I love the cause, the dedication, the motivation, the imagination, the creativity.  Sooooo much better than "Help Fight Breast Cancer".  Although, that gets the message across, too.

And, every time I see the ta-tas bumper sticker, I want to immediately donate money - pull over into a Starbucks parking lot, whip out the iphone, credit card.....

And I smile when I see it.  Even knowing that it's a horrific disease.  But, how can you NOT smile - at least anyone who has ta-tas.

And if everyone had my sense of strangeness, and if everyone donated just a dollar every time they saw the ta-tas bumper sticker.... well, that would be something.

Anyway, I love it.  And I'm getting my own ta-tas bumper sticker.

Unfortunately... where I work, I don't think I can put it on my car.  Because Big Brother monitors that parking lot.  And "ta-tas" would be considered inappropriate.  But I'm getting one, or several, anyway.

I like creative people.  And this is creative, and makes you pay attention.

Sort of like an Armstrong bumper sticker that would say "We like our balls".

Equal attention needs to be paid to ta-tas as balls.

Ta-tas UNITE!!

Anyway, I like their bumper sticker.

So, donate a couple of bucks for our ta-tas.  Wherever you choose to do it.

I like seeing the bumper sticker on my way home from my but-I-have-a-degree job.
I also like seeing a cute guy on a Harley.

1 comment:

tfiskers said...

Man, you got busy with the blog! Glad to hear from you....since I never get to see you :(