When Husband and I first moved to Austin, a billion years ago, the place we most loved to go, for a cheap Sunday afternoon, was Half Priced Books. OH, MY, GOD! We bought books we had read previously but never kept. We bought books we WANTED to read but hadn't yet. We bought books with titles that were interesting or funny just to put on our bookshelves.
Here are our shelves, NOW, a billion years later, in our "office" (I'm laughing at the word "office"!). And, yes, it's as messy as it looks.
And here are the books on the shelf above our bed. If there was a simple thunderstorm, these would fall off and kill us. We would be buried under novels. Not even Pulitzer material, just novels.
We just don't have anywhere else to put them. (And, NO we/I can't get rid of them!)
Then there's this book storage in the bedroom also, (and I only lit the candle tonight because I was hoping it might help kill the litter box odor).
Then there are other places that I try to "stash" books....
And here's another basket 'o books. Notice that there is a Bible there, though, so that says it all about that!!
At least I know where it is when/if I need it. Although I'm not sure I knew where it was until I got obsessed about our book OBSESSION and started taking pictures. Jeez, sorry, but maybe I did ............ I think the Bible is a good book, by the way. Seriously, a good book. Just not my favorite.
And then there's the living room book-storage plan...... I'll throw a few under some lamps and stuff....

And here are some books from Daughter's college days, and some of them are "to be read" for sure, for ME that is. (On a side-bar here, though, every woman should read the book "Cunt". BAD name. Great book. Not something you want to take to a teacher conference though!)
Then here are my cookbooks. Just sad. Says it all, again. I like that they are buried behind shot glasses, candles and small bottles of tequila though. Shows my priorities.
What I'm trying to say is that we have TOO many books. I've been weeding-out over the past year, for many reasons. I can get rid of lots of stuff ahead of books. I can "goodwill" shoes, clothes, antique furniture, prescription drugs,.... Can't seem to get rid of books.
I guess mainly because they all represent something in my life. A good memory. A good night's sleep. A good argument. A REALLY good argument, if you know what I mean!! A good ???? Whatever. I don't like to get rid of books. There. That's said.
Books are important. Reading is important. I guess that's what I'm trying to say.
There's a small, empty spot on the bottom of our office bookshelves though. We could fill it with books!! An empty spot, right??
This spot is Pancho's. He likes it. It will never be filled with anything but Pancho.
Books will have to go somewhere else.
I must say, I've never heard of any EMPTY spot on a bookshelf!
one more reason we are sisters
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